MCH will receive goods from 3 March 2025. Please remember to label all goods, consignment notes/letters clearly with your company name and stand number.
In exceptional cases, goods may be delivered to MCH's warehouse during the opening hours of the fair. However, delayed delivery to your stand must be expected.
For further information about receipt of good and large exhibition objects, please contact Supervisor Fie Degn Larsen by phone +45 21 67 44 56.
In addition to MCH's address, both goods and consignment notes/letters must be clearly labelled with company name and stand number:
Company: XXX / Stand: X XXXX
c/o MCH Messecenter Herning
Entrance via gate 20
DK-7400 Herning
The goods must be delivered directly to the stand. If the driver is unable to unload the goods, please refer the matter to Sand Spedition, who can be contacted by phone + 45 9714 5100 or + 45 2270 0195.
Packages and letters must be delivered prior to the fair's commencement, and otherwise in the morning on fair days, before the fair opens.
If necessary, goods may be delivered to MCH's storage facilities during opening hours. However, delayed delivery to your stand must be expected.
All packages and letters must be clearly marked with your company name and stand number.
Packages must be labelled as follows:
Company: XXX / Stand: X XXXX
c/o MCH Messecenter Herning
Entrance via gate 20
DK-7400 Herning
Letters must be labelled:
Company: XXX / Stand no.: X XXXX
c/o MCH Messecenter Herning
Vardevej 1
DK-7400 Herning